At 7:30 PM CST on October 22nd, 2024, there was a full board meeting of the Sandhills Cattle Association. In attendance were Chad Johnston, Sarah Ripp, Brad Kaup, Rick Marlett, Drew Gaffney, Cody Kilmury, McKenzie Hendricks, Darian Fuelburth, Eva Sampson, and Kami Freeman.
The first order of business was the 2025 budget. The budget was looked over and discussed. Rick moved to approve the budget as is, Chad seconded, and the motion carried. The next order of business was discussing memberships. The Executive Board briefly discussed taking out the associate membership due to printing difficulties and moving everyone from the associate membership to the platinum associate membership. Eva explained that it would be easier to print, in turn saving the association money. Chad moved to take out associate membership and move them to platinum associate membership. Brad and McKenzie seconded, motion carried. The next order of business was discussing the publication schedule. Eva explained that our digital publications do not get viewed and are not making money because no one wants to advertise for digital copies. Eva proposed we have a November physical issue and take out the digitals altogether in 2025, saving the association money and then switching to 10 physical publications in 2025 versus 16, having more advertisers in each issue helping offset the cost of printing. Everyone agreed. Chad made a motion to approve the changes, McKenzie and Drew seconded, and the motion carried. The next order of business was showing how the area meetings went. Kami ran through the numbers of how much it cost to put on each meeting and what was gained from them. People really enjoyed the meetings, and they were well received. Kami suggested if we do them again, we could focus on the areas where we had good attendance and maybe charge for tickets to help offset the cost of putting the meeting on. Chad said they were fun to do and that he received several comments about how people liked the meetings. He then said it would be up to the board to decide if they wanted to keep doing them. The last order of business was updating the board on the coyote calling contest which was set for January 17th & 18th. Chad then moved to adjourn the meeting, Brad seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 PM