What an absolute whirlwind the last month has been for me! From trying to get EP&C Data finished to helping Kami with our tour and getting married in Kansas, I can happily say that the EP&C Contest is finally finished! We had a really great year with a few hiccups, and I am so thankful for all of the contestants that were patient with me while I was learning and for all of those who helped assist me in any way!
This next year we will be holding our contest in a national know county. And, we are also hosting it in one of the statewide known feedlots: FELLER CATTLE FEEDING & CO. We are very excited about this opportunity to not only showcase amazing Sandhills Cattle but to hold this competition in such a well know area. This is a fantastic opportunity for our contestants to show the rest of Nebraska that Sandhills cattle are truly top-quality cattle. The cattle this year must be spring-born and 500 - 800 pounds. We will not be able to take any cattle that are under 500 or over 800 pounds so that we can ensure a competitive and accurate contest.
Feel free to call our office anytime with any questions about our contest, and if you would like to enter some cattle, use the form below!
