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From The President's Desk - January 13, 2023

Writer's picture: Darian FuelberthDarian Fuelberth

Happy New Year, everyone! We hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and didn't receive any lumps of coal for Christmas. Here on the ranch, we accomplished a lot and enjoyed the time with family and friends. With the New Year officially here, I am sure everyone has set goals for this year. One goal I have set this year is to spend more time doing things I love. For me, this is spending time with my family, tending to my herd, and working in my trucking business. All of those are great goals, and I feel are very obtainable. Have you thought of any goals for yourself and your operation? It never hurts to sit down and think through some things to improve.

I am not sure about everyone else, but I know our kids were not ready to return to school. On the first day back, they were less than cooperative and pleased about the situation. But we assured them they would get used to the swing of things again, and soon it would be summer break. Speaking of school, the girls informed me that the 2023 Scholarships Applications are now open to qualified applicants. The committee worked hard to get this year's application improved and approved before the end of the holidays. If you know anyone who would benefit from this scholarship, please tell them to apply. Entries can be submitted up until February 28th, 2023.

2023 has been a heck of a year so far weather wise. We have had more snow this year than we did all winter last year. Just last week, my daughter was running across the meadow to catch up to the cows and found a drift deeper than her legs could handle. She ended up face-first into that drift. It was a moment for America's Funniest Home Videos. One minute you could see her running across the meadow; the next, she was gone.

The moisture is just what we needed, though. I did some digging the other day and noticed that even 6 feet deep, the ground of just plain dry and hard as a brick. As the weather warms up, I hope that moisture seeps into the ground and gives the hills a much-needed drink. The past two storms have been nothing like I have ever seen before. Our cattle faired well, and I hope yours did as well. We can curse this weather as long as we want to, but as long as we make it out on the other side with healthy cattle and no loss, what more could we want?

The girls have sent out the first weight information for the EP&C contest, so check your email and mailboxes for those numbers. The heifers averaged 614.57 pounds, the steers averaged 656.87 pounds, and the pen averaged 649.19 pounds. We feel good about these numbers and are excited to see what this year's competition holds.

Bull sale season is upon us so if you need something advertised, give the girls at the office a call. They are running a special on their advertisements and would love to get your information in the newsletter. We hope everyone is having an excellent start to 2023 and that it continues for many more months and years.

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