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Hey everyone this is Amber Sides with the Sandhills Cattle Association with your update of the Sandhills Cattle News.
The Newsletter hits the printer tomorrow, so be on the lookout late next week as it should be hitting your mailboxes!
There are many things going on in the AG world that directly affect livestock producers. The hot topic we all have probably heard about recently is "Meat on the Menu Day!" We want to encourage everyone to get out and buy meat from your local meat counter, whether it's beef, chicken, lamb, or pork, on Saturday, March 20th, to show your support for the livestock producers. We hope we can purchase enough meat on March 20th to show the rest of the world how much we value livestock producers in our state!
Some of you may ask, why is livestock and meat production so crucial to Nebraska? Agriculture is Nebraska's top economic industry, with cattle production representing the ag industry's largest segment. With roughly 6.85 million head of cows and calves in the state, which vastly outnumbers our estimated population of 1.93 million people.
So now you probably ask yourself, why should you care? It is estimated that 76,600 jobs are directly or indirectly associated with animal ag in Nebraska. This means you more than likely know a large percentage of people who would be affected if the livestock industry took a significant hit.
Followed by Meat on the Menu day, we also celebrate National Ag Week, March 22nd through March 26th. This year's motto is Food Brings everyone to the table, and what a perfect thing to celebrate despite many of the things happening currently in the ag industry. The Agriculture Council of America is an organization composed of leaders in the agriculture food and fiber communities dedicated to increasing public awareness of agriculture's vital role in our society. Every year in March, producers, ag associations, corporations, universities, government agencies, and countless others across America join together to recognize agriculture's contributions.
Their core values are to help Americans,
understand how food and fiber products are produced,
appreciate the role agriculture plays in providing safe, abundant, and affordable products.
Value the essential role of ag in maintaining a strong community
And lastly, acknowledge and consider career opportunities in the ag food and fiber industry.
So next week, do your part in helping to support and celebrate Ag, whether it's buying meat or by sharing your personal knowledge of Ag with youngsters in your community.
At the Association we will continue promoting AG in the best way possible! In celebration of National AG week, check out our Facebook page for daily facts about Ag!
We still have lots of great bull sales going on for you to check out!
Zeisler Charolais of Butte, Nebraska will be holding their 33rd Annual Bull Sale tomorrow March 19th, starting at 1:00 pm central time at the ranch in Butte, Nebraska.
Gray’s Angus Ranch will be holding their Spring Bull Sale this Saturday, March 20th, at the Ranch in Harrison, Nebraska, starting at 1:00 PM mountain time. They will be offering 110 yearlings Angus Bulls and 45 two-year-old bulls.
B Bar L Hereford Cattle LLC will be holding their 2nd Annual Herefords in the Heartland Production Sale will be held Sunday, March 21, 2021, starting at 8 am ct on Lunch will be held at their headquarters near Juniata starting a 1 pm.
FRED RANCH - Jamie & Kay Fred of Rose, Nebraska will be holding their Registered Charolais Bull Sale along with ten registered open heifers sale at Burwell Livestock Barn in Burwell, Nebraska on Monday, March 22, 2021, starting a 1 pm. The sale will also be available on DV Auction. Videos of the stock will be used.
Snowshoe Cattle Company of Arthur, Nebraska will be having the Annual Bull Sale on March 22nd. They will be offering 50 yearling bulls, 10 fall 18-month-old bulls, 3 two-year-olds and 1 herd sire. They will also be offering 10 registered open heifers and 12 baldy open heifers sired by Snowshoe bulls.
Schuler Red Angus - Butch, Susan & David Schuler will be holding their 39th Annual Bull Sale on March 25th near Bridgeport, Nebraska. They will be offering 160 Registered Red Angus & Schuler Red Composite Bulls.
That's all for this week! Until next time, this is Amber Sides with the Sandhills Cattle Association with your weekly update of the Sandhills Cattle News.