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Radio Spot for March 25, 2021

The radio spot reads as follows:

Hey everyone this is Amber Sides with the Sandhills Cattle Association with your update of the Sandhills Cattle News.

Our March 19th publication should be starting to hit most of your mailboxes, so be sure to keep an eye out! Our next publication is set to be published on April 9th, so contact us about placing an ad for you!

This week is National Ag Week and in honor of that, I thought I would share some facts about Ag in Nebraska that some of you, including myself, may not know!

Beef production is the largest sector of agriculture in Nebraska and Nebraska is the only state that is a national leader in every aspect of beef production, including cow/calf, backgrounding, corn growing, cattle feeding and processing. With that being said, Cherry County leads the US with 148,000 beef cows, followed by Cherry County is Holt County with 96,467 beef cows, Custer County with 94,958 beef cows and in 4th is Lincoln County with 80,188 beef cows. The top four counties leading the US and they are all found right here in Nebraska. With those numbers, it probably won’t surprise you that cows also outnumber people. We have a total of 6.85 million cows and calves and 1.93 million people, which means cows outnumber people almost 4 to 1. In today’s world, I think we all can appreciate living in a state where there are more cows than people.

Many Nebraska calves are born and raised on grassland, before being sent to the feedlot to finish out. Within the feedlot cows receive a balanced ration of corn, forage, distiller grains, and mineral supplements, which has made Nebraska beef famous worldwide for its flavor, tenderness, and quality, corn-fed beef.

These facts should make so many of you proud to be a beef producer in the state of Nebraska! We hope many of you are showing your support for the Ag industry by sharing your knowledge and advocating! Or like most of you are most likely doing, showing your support by going out every day, snow, rain, or shine taking care of all the newborn cattle! We hope all of you are having a successful calving season, despite the crazy weather patterns.

The Sandhills Cattle Association 2021 Annual Convention is September 20th and 21st, and we have several new events taking place this year that we are excited about! This year we will be having the first-ever Chuckwagon BBQ Cookoff, so grab your buddies and your smoker and join us for a good ol’fashion BBQ cookoff. If you’re interested in competing, contact us about how to enter! Stay tuned for more details surrounding this event.

We also will be hosting our 7th Annual, Pen of Three, Bred Heifer Contact sponsored by our friends at Zoetis. Bring your best first-calf heifers to town to compete for bragging rights for the champion Pen of Three title. The pens will be judged on breed characteristics, uniformity, and against each other. No clipping or blowing will be allowed, animals will be shown as they appear in the pasture. This year 4-H and FFA students will also be allowed to partake in the judging alongside the adults. Participants must own the cattle and be current members of the Association. Prizes are awarded to Champion and Reserve Champion Pen and People’s choice. It’s exciting even to take part in, as well as a great way to showcase your cattle!

Another event that will be taking place again this year is the 24th Annual Golf Classic. Enjoy the afternoon in the course with ag-minded individuals during this fun-filled fundraiser to support the ongoing efforts of the Association. Funds raised during the tournament will be utilized to continue the promotion of the people and cattle raised in the Sandhills as well as continue working to expand our educational programs. This tournament is open to all interested regardless of previous golf experience. Entry fees are priced at $125 per person which includes 20 holes of golf, and cart rental with a complimentary box of balls and tees as well as a chance to win prizes including a $10,000 Hole in One prize. Don’t miss the opportunity to join us for this fun event, followed by a Chuckwagon BBQ cookoff that night, music, and more! For more info visit our website

We are also looking for sponsors for many of our events, so if you’re interested in sponsoring a certain event, give us a call and we’d love to speak with you!

We are so excited for our 82nd annual convention and hope many of you join us for all the fun! Stay tuned for announcements of many of the other events to take place this year!

In other news, we do have some great bull sales ahead!

Smith Angus will be holding their 32nd Annual Registered Angus Bull Sale tomorrow, Friday, March 26, at the ranch 26 miles southeast of Bassett, NE. Offering will include 60 Yearling and 30 Coming 2-year-olds.

Connealy Angus will be holding their Annual Spring Bull Sale this, Saturday, March 27, at their ranch near Whitman, Nebraska starting at 12 pm MDT. They will be offering 500 bulls - 200 coming two-year-olds, 200 18-month-olds, 100 long yearlings, and ONE cow.

Lastly, we will be ultrasounding the EP&C cattle today at 2:30, so listen in next week to catch an update!

That’s all for this week, this is Amber Sides with the Sandhills Cattle Association with your update of the Sandhills Cattle News!

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